How easy is to make money as HFT startup?
Short story, is not easy at all. Recently I’ve been approached for many startups looking for setup their own HFT…
High Frequency Trading | Low Latency systems | Market Making Models | C/C++
Short story, is not easy at all. Recently I’ve been approached for many startups looking for setup their own HFT…
I have a great trading idea!! I do my research, and whoala!! It looks great!! Time to test it… I…
Data structures that are contained within a single cache-line are more efficient. Use appropriate containers (e.g. prefer reserved std::vector than…
Choose the right language: FORGET about scripting languages, they won’t work. When you are looking to shave those last few…
The simplest ideas are often some of the best. This is a mantra that should often be repeated by traders…
Often, trading model developers “spoil” the eventual results of their model by making errors early in the process. These errors…
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of separating the trading models–the mathematical or algorithmic logic that…